Fat Loss: Is it LOVE or HATE?
Nov 12, 2024Fat loss from a place of love or fear?
A question I always ask at the beginning of my coaching sessions. Why do you want to achieve this goal? who is it really for?
When we act out of fear we tell the world that we aren’t enough. We don’t have enough, therefore we must take before it’s too late. It is ego driven.
That negative voice in our head has won. You’re not good enough do better. Be better. We keep that voice around because we feel like it's productive. It's keeping you moving forward. It soothes you're desire to constantly be focussed on something. If your self worth is attached to productivity raise your hand ;)
Chances if you're reading this you're a type A all or nothing personality and an overachiever who finds it hard to rest. So it makes sense why fear might drive a lot of your behaviours. You only know a life at 100mph, anything less seems like failure. I imagine even when you achieve great things in life, you move the goal posts.
Many people unknowingly pursue goals that aren’t theirs and pursue them for the wrong reasons. This question asks if your decision is coming from a place of love or fear. Is it just a trend, do you feel pressure from social media?
I think you can guess which has the better outcome longterm. Love always wins right!
Aesthetic goals are fine. Valuing the way your body looks is OK. I think the industry has gone a bit anti diet recently which I certainly am not.
You just need to be in it for the right reasons.
Truth is our behaviours alternate between the two daily. If you find yourself in column 2 a lot just notice it and try to refocus on love based behaviour.
If you have been struggling for more than 3 months trying to get to your goal but feeling like you’re going no where...
Email [email protected] the code word “fear” I’ll send you a link so you can start your journey without the self hate :)
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