Fats: Hero or Villain?
Jul 10, 2024
One of the main issues I see with coaching clients is their neglect of fats as a macronutrient. We all know why. Fat phobia is rife. Diet culture presents it as the villain in the The Disney movie. Except that movie is about 200 years out of date.
Fats don't make you fat. Calories in excess do.
Dietary cholesterol levels can be helped/ managed by replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated fats in the diet. This may lower the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It can also be a genetic and a hereditary predisposition as to why you may have high levels but a good diet.
It’s important to have balance with any macronutrient. Fats included:
I see so many skewed fatty acid profiles amongst clients food diaries that they are underestimating the benefits of incorporating the others.
It’s my job as a coach to educate clients on WHY fats are important.
- ESSENTIAL to sex hormone production. Men= testosterone Women= Oestrogen
- Fat soluble vitamins ADE&K… They help in absorption of these.
- Flavour. Adding fats to meals increases palatability.
- Low fat diets are the most notably unsustainable in research due to adherence.
- Immune function and cell regeneration.
- Slows digestion (helps you feel fuller for longer).
Saturated fat gets a bad rap. Research has however moved away from this out of date and historic view. Am I telling you to now go and put butter in your coffee.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Please don’t like ever…
In moderation however saturated fats have its place. Like in an almond croissants please and thankyou.
Omega-3 fats are an important type of polyunsaturated fat. The body can’t make these, so they must come from food. It's why they are called ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS.
- An excellent way to get omega-3 fats is by eating fish 2-3 times a week.
- Good plant sources of omega-3 fats include flax seeds, walnuts, and canola or soybean oil.
- Higher blood omega-3 fats are associated with lower risk of premature death among older adults.
- There is good research with fat loss and omega 3 also.
Below you can see the 3 categories and assess your diet for yourself. So yes fats do contain more calories per gram of weight than carbs and fats. (9cals vs 4) but that doesn't mean completely removing them is the answer. In fact research has shown we end up compensating for the lack of fats by increasing carbohydrates and sugar. I assume due to the lack of flavour as often reduced fat products are higher in sugar e.g high protein yoghurts. They have to make sales somehow right!
“This decrease was compensated by an increased intake in carbohydrates (4.5%) and sugar (6%).”
Rodriguez and Castellanos (2000) Mullie et al (2012)
So before you reach for the lightest of lightest everything. Maybe think of all the benefits fats do offer. Portion control is the answer. A very unsexy one granted and I know you've heard it a million times. But still holds true today.
Hope you found this useful. If you did please share with a friend or tag me in social media.
Love didz x
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