PMS: Why you feel like s**t
Aug 05, 2024
Ever wondered why at certain points of your cycle you just feel awful?
I know I do... all the time.
As a coach specialising in women health it's my job to educate my female clients on how exactly our hormones impact us.
There are certain low hormone phases within your monthly cycle (typical duration between bleeds is 28-35 days duration) that will have you mentally and physically questioning what's happening.
Every week you are a different physiology. It's really important to remember that. As coaches we must have awareness of incorporating this into our protocols for clients if needed.
Progesterone is dominant the second half of your cycle and women can be extremely sensitive to this hormone.
- Think crying at a cat video.
- Flying off the walls because your boyfriend ate your chocolate.
The Yin and Yang dance between oestrogen and progesterone is responsible for MANY symptoms detailed below.
The emotional rollercoaster of your month may look like this... I have circled the days you might want to pay most attention to.
1. Day 1-5 of your cycle (Day 1 is when you bleed) this is when both hormones oestrogen and progesterone are low.
2.Then around ovulation half way through (usually day 14) then things take a dive into your luteal phase.
3. PMS (last week of your cycle) Typically when hormones are low you experience the mental and physiological effects.
These may be:
- Water retention.
- Bloating
- Increased anxiety
- Fatigue and sleep changes
- Headaches
- Irritability
Take a guess at how many symptoms have been recorded... 150. Isn't that WILD!
Now any form of birth control will have an effect on this. Due to the fact they will block your natural receptors, override production and keep levels at a certain dose.
This has pros & cons. (i'll leave that for another post).
When you track your cycle it's not that anything magic happens. You still want to cry at the videos. You still have the intrusive thoughts of murdering your partner over eating your chocolate bar. BUT self awareness, introducing compassion for yourself and implementing behavioural changes can a positive impact on how you experience these challenges. It can allow you to keep progressing towards your goals.
Often as women we feel guilt and remorse at how we respond to these changes. Like we should somehow be able to overthrow the human biological urges that come along with how hormones drive behaviour.
We can't. We won't. The quicker we start working with our bodies. Exploring our thoughts and behaviours with curiosity. Progress will come. Whatever you may have defined that as.
If you find yourself struggling each time your cycle comes around and your nutrition reflects that. Book a call today.
Didi x
Consider 1:1 Nutrition Coaching with me now to unlock your full potentialĀ
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